Tuesday, November 19, 2019

10 Things I've Learned in the Querying Process

     I am a little over two weeks into my NaNoSubMo and have submitted three stories between thirty-two agents! That is thirty-two times better than I have done in the last year and an all-time record for me. I have learned a LOT in the process. Here are ten things I want to share with you:
1. Having multiple works in my back pocket has made the querying process SO much easier. I feel like a rejection of one work isn't soul-sucking. It's one book I can revise and submit to a different agent later. Like Rick Walton said, "My approach is to have twelve manuscripts out at a time. If one comes back rejected then 1/12th of my dreams are dashed. But I just send it out to the next person and forget about it. It's not too hard to have that many picture books out. . ." I don't have that many manuscripts out personally. I actually have out two picture books and one middle grade novel and a few more in my pocket that I'm revising for submission this month. Maybe not twelve, but at least five that are close to being ready. I have thirty-three manuscripts in my portfolio currently. That's what writing every weekday for the past seven years has given me. Even if it's just fifteen minutes a day, I've done it. I want to talk more about consistency, but that's a whole other blog post.
2. It's important to double, triple, and quadruple check the submission guidelines and your submission materials. It's hard to be precise. I've made some mistakes. Some are doozies! Especially with multiple manuscripts out. I've accidentally emailed someone that wanted a form query. Luckily they emailed me back to tell me to use the form. I've submitted four chapters, though my fourth chapter was a copy of my third chapter (so they got two chapter three's instead of chapter three and chapter four). I even went so far as to cut off my twenty page submission in the middle of a sentence. K. Don't do any of those things. Learn from me. Recheck everything! Even with those blunders, some agents will be forgiving and look past it all. My friend got an agent even after she realized she'd accidentally changed her entire query font to purple.
3. It's helpful to have everything ready before querying. Keep in mind that each agent knows what they want specifically and will state it in their submission guidelines from their particular website. Here is what most agents are looking for, in varying forms:
  • Query Letter (I tweak this for each submission)
  • Bio (This is usually included in the query, however some forms ask for it separately)
  • Pitch (This is usually a one liner, but not always)
  • Synopsis (This is usually 500-700 words for novels, varying upon the type of story you're writing. Picture books it's about a paragraph.)
  • Writing sample (Usually between one to four chapters)
4. Refine, tweak, and polish all of the above. Don't write a first draft and send it out. Put it through a critique group--maybe multiple critique groups. Trusted individuals that give you constructive criticism are gold mines. You cannot resubmit the same work later unless it has been requested. Put your very best effort out into the world. Give yourself a fighting chance!
5. Submit in small batches: There are lots of agents out there! Because we're learning, we don't want to burn all of our bridges in the beginning. I have a friend that submitted her story to one hundred agents before getting feedback from a critique group. Don't do this! Submit small. One high on your list and about five to ten in the middle to bottom of the list. This will help you gauge your writing where it stands. Based on the feedback you receive, you'll know how ready your work is. If you're getting all form rejections, it may be a good sign that your writing isn't exactly where it needs to be right now. If you're getting back lots of personal rejections, then you're close. If you're getting full manuscript requests, then you're right where you want to be.
6. Not all agents are a good fit. This of course makes sense. Instead of submitting to every agent, look carefully at who and what they represent. If you read their information online (there's usually lots of places to search for them), and they don't sound right for what you write, scratch them off the list. That's one less rejection you'll have to endure. Plus it will save everyone some time and effort in the process. You want to LOVE your agent in the end, not just have someone that "will do."
7. Not all agents are open to queries. This one was the most surprising parts of the whole process. I took a list of the "Top Middle Grade Agents" and began researching. I spent three hours of work looking through the different agents, their blogs, their client list, their book list, and their website only to find out they weren't open to submissions. Look at this first! Don't waste your time.
8. There is a great chance to build a MASSIVE "to read" list. As I go through and research agents I am finding all kinds of great literature that I just want to sit and read. I have discovered some GREAT stuff. The School for Good and Evil, Wolf Hollow, and Crenshaw all are stories I never would have found otherwise. There is so much great literature out there that sometimes it can seem a little intimidating. But remember, all of these authors started in the same place we're all starting in! They kept writing, learning, and submitting.
9. Track your submissions. Especially if you're submitting multiple manuscripts it's important to write it down. I have an excel tracking sheet with different tabs. Each tab represents a different manuscript. As I research agents I'll think of which story best fits that agent and that is who I will submit to. I have columns that read like this:
  • Agent name
  • Publishing house (I usually link the website here for easy access later)
  • Looking For (PB, MG, YA, Adult)
  • Submission info (I link this also)
  • Query Date (When I send in my query materials)
  • Average response rate (some will say 2 weeks others 8 weeks, some will say they WILL respond, others say if you haven't heard from us, consider it a "no." I just like having this information handy)
  • Estimated response date
  • Response
  • Date sent in Full MS (For novels. Usually Picture Books are sent in full during the querying process because they should be short.)
  • Why I like them for my story (Usually I cut and paste here from interviews, articles, their website, etc. Just for my reference. Or if they're a perfect fit, I'll say that here as well. I have a few of those.)
10. Have an attitude of learning. That has been the most helpful thing for me. I am educating myself on the industry. I am learning what different publishing houses are in the world, what they represent, what other books are out there, how they're written, and how this whole process works. I understand that I'm not going to be perfect. I'm going to mess up. Maybe my work isn't strong enough just yet. But that doesn't mean I've failed. It means I have more to learn--which I can do. We all can! Keep pushing forward. I've begun my climb and will keep on going. I hope you do too!

What are some things you're learning or have learned in the submission process?

Sunday, November 3, 2019


Oops! I did it again! I started looking at submitting last year and then I got caught up in my
manuscripts again. I’m not going to lie--I submitted once this past year. Submissions just
feel like they’re taking away from my creativity, so I just write. I write and write and edit and
critique. I’ve got a great group of writers that support me and help me become better. I am
learning so much and producing so many great things. I just need to submit them. Really,
truly. So here is my commitment, yet again, which I will stick to: 
Instead of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month: 50,000 words written on a new novel
in one month), I’m doing NaNoSubMo (National Novel Submission Month: 60 submissions
for various works put out to agents in one month). I will also be writing articles for my blog
and critiquing fellow writers’ manuscripts.
In June I was able to attend Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers (WIFYR) in Sandy,
UT. I don’t know if you notice a blog post trend here, but it always boosts my enthusiasm for
blogging. Anyway, Kristyn Crow taught a Morning Workshop on Picture Books and it seriously
blew my mind. 
I have been actively learning about writing since college (I won’t give away my age with that
one), and in this one class I learned more about my craft than all of the years previous.
Granted, I write Middle Grade Fantasy as well, but Picture Books have always been this
elusive concept that I haven’t really understood until this class. I thought I understood, but
after attending her class, I realized that I didn’t--not really. I HIGHLY suggest attending
anything that she teaches, because she knows her stuff. And not only that, she knows how
to TEACH and encourage, which I’ve realized are the most important parts of it all.
Each day, her lessons were more and more amazing, but the one I’m finding most useful right
now, was her class on publishing. She answered questions, taught us how to self-edit, told us
that we need a good critique group, taught us how to learn the market (which is basically:
study what’s on the shelves at bookshelves and what are the ALA awards winners and
Amazon Bestsellers), and most importantly how to look up agents to represent different
genres. She suggested two ways to search for agents: 
1. Literary Marketplace (LMP): a free online resource for writers, which has all of the
information and more on how to get published and which agents are best for your genre.
This site is super useful, though a little tedious with the multiple links and the constant
nagging to put your name and email address into their system--which I did twice before
I realized they tell you to do that on every page.
2. Agentquery.com: Helps you find out about the agents. Visit their websites. Choose one or several
who represent work similar to yours.
I am proud to say that since the beginning of November I have tripled last year’s attempts at
submissions (yes, that’s three for those of you that question your math skills as much as I do).
All of which are for a picture book that I’ve been working on since February. I haven’t queried my novel
yet. I was going to. I really was. But when I got to the submission form I realized I wasn't ready. I
hadn’t written a synopsis of my story yet. Advice from a friend was to read Save the Cat Writes a
Novel, which has great advice on query letters and synopses. So that is my next step. How are you
doing in your trail to publication? Would you like to join in my #NaNoSubMo? Let’s do this together!
I’d love to hear about your journey as well.